Wednesday 5 December 2012

Social Media Continues to Grow, Exits 'Infancy'

According to the Nielsen and NM Incite's 2012 Social Media Report, social networking is no longer a considered a passing trend as consumers are spending more time on social networks than on any other category of sites.

Social media is no longer in its "infancy," the study stated. Nielsen found that consumers spent 30 percent of their total online time on their mobile devices accessing social media sites, while on PCs, social media sites accounted for 20 percent of their browsing.
"The recent proliferation of mobile devices and connectivity helped fuel the continued growth of social media. While the computer remains as the predominant device for social media access, consumers' time spent with social media on mobile apps and the mobile web has increased 63 percent in 2012, compared to the same period last year."
Social media graph 2.jpg
Facebook remained the most-visited social network in the United States, with most U.S. members of the social network continuing to access the site via PC— 152.2 million visitors. Mobile visitors, meanwhile, accounted for 78.4 million members through native Facebook apps, while 74.3 million users visited through mobile browsers. Content sharing service Pinterest produced the largest year-over-year increase in both unique audience, as well as time spent on any social network on PCs, mobile web and apps.

The rise of social media during the past few years has been well-documented. Facebook announced in October that the social network exceeded one billion "active" members, with over 600 million users utilizing the service on mobile devices. Twitter is now publishing 1 billion tweets every 2.5 days.

Google+'s VP of product, meanwhile, had recently stressed that the former is a "social network of the past", with its intrusive advertisements "pissing off users." It's quite a statement for a company who has seen its own social network, Google+, being branded a ghost town since its inception. Although it boasts 400 million registered users, Google+ been criticized due to said users hardly ever logging in. Still, Google has stressed it's the best social service available so it must be, right? ...Right?

Tuesday 4 December 2012

This Little Box – The Death of Hotel SEO? Dream On

The basis of these claims is that by squeezing in the Google Hotel Finder paid search box into the initial results page, Google has pushed all organic hotel or OTA listings ‘below the fold’: ie everything the consumer immediately sees, has to be paid for by advertisers.

But Georg Ruebensal, Managing Director of Expedia Australia, said: “We have not seen an impact on SEO at this stage, either for domestic or international searches. Travel SEO has been pronounced dead a couple of times before but it hasn’t happened. There’s still a lot of opportunity to invest in SEO.”

Mr Ruebensal says the most likely impact will be to increase paid search rates because Google has reduced the number of paid ads at the top of the page from three or four to just two to make room for Hotel Finder.

“The top spots are the place to be from an SEM perspective and (reducing inventory) simply increases competition and drives up the cost per click,” he says.

Kate Gamble, Kate Gamble, Director of SEO, Social Media and Digital Content Strategy at Bruce Clay Australia, which oversees search for the Toga Hospitality and Best Western accommodation brands, says has seen no impact on SEO conversion at this early stage of the Google Hotel Finder rollout.

“It’s not really going to change SEO,” she says. “I think evidence from previous Google changes tells us that, for a period of time, some users get distracted but then revert back to their original behavior.” By that she means scrolling down the first page of results to find a natural result that suits their search.

And the reality is that the days when natural results appeared well above the fold are ancient history in web terms. In fact, there are now more natural results on the first Google results page than ever before – up to 29 or 30 for some searches, with paid accounting for roughly 60% and paid 40% – plus a map.

In the golden olden days, it was all text and there may have been 10 organic listings. But it was easier to get seen because there was so much less competition. Search was only being seriously deployed by a savvy few. The rest were yet to catch on.

Now everyone is doing and the competition is cut-throat. The web isn’t fun anymore – just a very expensive necessity.

Convert Adsense: AdSense Gets New Ad Review Function

Google announced a change to the Ad Review Center in AdSense to help users find and review ads more efficiently.

On the Inside AdSense blog, Google’s Marcel Crasmaru explains, “Using the technology behind Google Image Search, you’ll now be able to upload an image file from your computer to search for related image ads; you can then review and take action on the returned ads.”

“For example, you might want to find and block ads that contain the logo of a competitor,” says Crasmaru. “After you upload and search for the logo, we’ll return image ads that contain the logo and which are eligible to appear on your pages. Please note that you can upload images with a maximum file size of 2MB and a largest dimension of 1024 pixels. To try this feature, log in to your AdSense account and visit the ‘Allow and block ads’ tab.”

Google suggests using filters sparingly – specifically when you prefer not to have a particular ad or advertiser appear on your pages.

Monday 3 December 2012

SEO in 2013, the Importance of AuthorRank

One of the biggest trends we are going to see changing SEO for this coming year is AuthorRank. If you have heard of Pagerank, you have an idea of what sort of tool this is. AuthorRank won’t be a replacement for Pagerank, rather used to inform Pagerank, in the hopes of enabling Google to rank quality content more appropriately. The most important changes are;

1) AuthorRank uses Google Plus profiles

2) Content quality will no longer be based solely on domain or Web page, it will now be reputation based and take into consideration the “authority” of the individual that authored the content. So what can we do to meet AuthorRank’s SEO standards?

In the AuthorRank world, we need to have an author who is an “authority”, meaning he or she has a lot of “natural” links and he/she is optimized for their blogs on Google Plus. If no one in your organization holds a strong online reputation, start building up the AuthorRank of your chosen “agent” within the organization to leverage in the long term. To leverage this author, here are 3 key steps;

  1. Add a Rel=Author code to your wordpress website. Here are the detailed instructions from Google.
  2. It is suggested that your author should interact as often as possible with Google Plus (authors are ranked on the number of Google Plus circles they are included in).
  3. Stick to one topic. If the author writes about a whole host of subjects it is assumed that the content will be weaker. Google ranks honed authors higher.

Google Plus
The interesting part about this new algorithm is that it requires you use Google Plus. So bloggers are now going to be encouraged to use Google Plus to boost SEO. Here is how: At the bottom of your Google Plus profile page (in edit mode) you will see a contributor section; this is where you can enter in which blogs you are contributing to. By doing this, you create a relationship that increases your SEO. This action will also make your listing more prominent in a search because it causes your profile picture to show up.

Once you set up Google Authorship, go and track down all the (quality) content you have created in your specific area of expertise. How do you see if you are measuring well? Use the Rich Snippet Testing Tool. You will verify authorship and then see your results.

Huge change?
The normal SEO criteria will still be highly valued; don’t walk away from reading this thinking all you need to do now is become active on Google Plus! The biggest change we are going to see is more and more bloggers on Google Plus. It’s very sneaky of Google making their social networking site essential for SEO, but just as most bloggers will submit to this requirement and start using Google Plus, Google is doing what they have to do to gain more customers

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Pinterest Launches Business Tools

The photo sharing website, Pinterest has already been used by businesses for creating communities, increasing product familiarity and bolstering their social media campaigns.

Now companies will be able to create business accounts with their name, instead of first and surnames. Their photo boards will be able to earn a ‘verified’ badge by embedding their websites with hidden code which, in turn is recognised by the Pinterest system.

Is this a sure sign that the image-rich website will be monetised in the near future? It was revealed that 97% of the personal accounts on Pinterest are held by women, so companies already have a clear demographic at their fingertips.

On the website, the question of how they make money is answered with a vague response: “In the past, we’ve tested a few different approaches to making money such as affiliate links. We might also try adding advertisements, but we haven’t done this yet.”

If the previously clean design is cluttered by advertising, it might be a good idea to have these commercials ‘pinnable’, where you can share your favourite advertising. This would be especially effective during the Christmas advertising season, where companies such as Debenhams and John Lewis make more emotive short-films.

Sunday 25 November 2012

Shoppers Put Big Demands on Social Media

CONSUMERS looking for an instant response to their inquiries and complaints are turning to social media sites in their droves.

Gerd Schenkel, executive director of Telstra Digital, says the number of round-the-clock staff waiting to deal with customer inquiries has grown six-fold in the past 12 months.

"The live chat is growing very strongly because our digital channels as a whole are growing," he says.

"The growth rate for live chat is up about 600 per cent from last year to this year and this month we expect to offer about 140,000 chat sessions with our customers."

Time-poor Australians are among those who use social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter in an attempt to have their queries answered at a quicker rate, rather than phone or send an email.

Schenkel says Telstra now has several hundred employees working in their chat team to deal with real-time online customer inquiries.

"Live chat is often more convenient for customers because they are already on the website or they're already on a mobile," he says.

"They've seen a bill or a product and they have a question about it, so we find it easier for many customers to just click a button and have a quick chat session as opposed to making a phone call."

Self-employed massage therapist Belinda McLeod, 39, recently used social media to interact with her telecommunications company after having some problems with her broadband connection.

"I get frustrated when I contact call centres and am put on hold for half an hour," she says. "I couldn't find instant messaging and the customer service wasn't open on Sunday, but there were people online.

"I thought by raising issues publicly (on Twitter) they would do something about it."

She says the telco responded to her query on Twitter several hours later.

Matt Travers is the founder of new comparison website ServiceRage, which analyses customer feedback, and says the growing presence of social media is forcing companies to deal with customers in the public domain.

"Anyone can see an exchange happening between the company and the individual if they are using Twitter or Facebook," he says. "The balance of power is in the consumer's favour. Now more than ever it's important for companies to deliver good service."

Taking the Snake Oil out of SEO

In website design meetings, as soon as a discussion moves to search engine optimisation (SEO) I see disengagement from the technical staff. I don’t know if it is from lack of interest or scepticism of the benefits, but there is a tangible shift in attitude.

Search engine optimisation is primarily concerned with making your website content as discoverable and understandable to search engine crawlers (software that visits your site and indexes it) as possible. Google has the largest share of search traffic in Australia, so the more indexable your site is to the Google search engine, the more chance you have to appear in relevant searches which means more page views and exposure.

Part of the problem with SEO is that there is a lot of snake oil practitioners out there who make outraging and unsubstantiated claims about how they can get your site at the top of the search rankings. Most developers have probably had a friend or relation ask them how get to the number one spot on Google search without wanting to spend any time and effort. I can understand the jaded opinion towards the topic.

Secondly, much of the SEO push is driven by the marketing functions of the business. SEO seems to be pigeonholed as the concern of marketers. There is a tendency for marketing to include developers after the fact in their SEO strategy and for technology to see SEO as a problem for marketing to solve.

I asked Ron Erdos, an ex-colleague and once a Fairfax Media SEO specialist and now audience optimisation strategist at Yahoo!7, for his take on how SEO can be seen more holistically in the organisation.

“If you see SEO as some kind of trick, it's easy to treat it with disdain … However, if you learn the principles of SEO, you'll be able to make design decisions which not only meet your brief, but put a smile on the face of senior management, when they learn that you've brought them extra traffic.” Erdos says.

The first thing to keep in mind is while Google doesn’t publish the secrets of their PageRank algorithms, that doesn’t mean they are unknowable. SEO is knowable by testing hypothesis and observing outcomes.

There is no magic one-size-fits-all solution to SEO but there are parts that need to work together to achieve a good search outcome.

Site architecture matters

According to Erdos, "One URL per asset is the golden rule of SEO-friendly web development. If you have multiple URLs for the same asset, you are almost definitely diluting the SEO value of that asset.”

This is why technical talent needs to be involved from the beginning of the SEO journey. Site structure and the way that the URLs are constructed materially affect how you are ranked.
As you build your online software execution, how the URLs are presented and linked to each other need to be consistent to gain maximum advantage.

Erdos recommends the “universal URL” approach, which Yahoo!7 have just implemented for their own assets. The universal URL is a reversal of the once fashionable subdomain approach - where a new subdomain for each channel such as for mobile sites. “This is because the SEO strength of each url is determined, to a large degree, by the number of links pointing at that URL.”

Keyword choice

If site architecture is the domain of the technical team, equally important is choice of keywords which naturally fits with marketing. You have to use words to describe your products and content that your audience is going to use to search for it.

“Keyword research - learning which words and phrases people are using to find content. You then use these words and phrases in the title and/or description of your app or web page, and in other strategic places.” says Erdos.

For example, if you name your site or describe it using the word “laptop” but most of your target audience refers to them as “notebooks” then when they search for the notebook term and you haven’t used it in your content and links, then you are leaving it up to Google Search to know that the terms are equivalent.

Google Search will try its best to recognise similar terms such as “laptop” and “notebook” depending on how interchangeably they have been used by search users.

Engaging content

Even if you have a perfect system for serving SEO friendly URLs and have done your homework for naming and describing the content, you need to produce content that is relevant to the terms you promised in your keywords and URL names. If the SEO description of your site is for the terms “Sex, Drugs and Rock’n’Roll” but the content is about insurance then your relevance will be low and your ranking sub-optimal. Erdos says that you still “need to prove that your content is engaging”.

“In SEO, this is expressed as links pointing to your content, especially from authoritative sources such as news and government websites. It's also expressed by low bounce rates - users staying on your site for a decent amount of time instead of hurrying back to the Google search results page. Those are just two of the engagement metrics search engines use.”

A good SEO approach combines the systems knowledge and analytical powers of your IT team with the audience understanding of marketing and disciplined content producers that keep site content current and engaging to their readers. SEO is not magic, it is hard work and good business.

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Wednesday 5 September 2012

Google Penguin Update Will Affect Many SEO Companies, Marketing Expert Fiona Lewis Believes

It is true that many (and major) SEO companies have grown complacent during the last years and that they have been optimizing for search engines in ways that are not very Googthodox.
However, this month a new announcement came from Google and the phrase which is now terrifying the World Wide Web is ‘you don’t want the next Penguin update’, uttered by Matt Cutts, Google specialist in SEO issues.
While nobody knows what he really means, Fiona Lewis and many other internet marketing experts are already wondering about the future of SEO companies who have been cheating their ways into good rankings.
The update has already received several nicknames such as ‘Googageddon’ or ‘carnage’, but the latter seems to resonate the most with people. When asked about her opinion on this denomination, Ms Lewis answered, “It will be carnage for many companies and business owners. I feel sorry especially for the businesses that pay good money to slack SEO companies who didn't see this coming.”
According to Ms Lewis, SEO companies have about three months to get things straight with their practices before their clients will start noticing problems. Fiona Lewis puts the blame on the SEOers who have been lazily crawling their clients’ websites to the top: “The worst part is that they have been doing bad practise for so long and were lazy, and business owners trust the SEO companies are doing the right thing.”
What seems to be the end of many SEO companies, will be, however, a good thing for those using Google as their search engine. It is predicted that Google will show random or unexpected results which will not affect the everyday user, but it will affect a website’s ranking.
In a nutshell, while internet users will not suffer from this update, it is the SEO companies and their clients who will have to deal with the consequences.
Ms Lewis highlights the importance of having a “real business, with real influence, that interacts with its clients – real people – and is active online.
I admit that at sometimes this new approach to SEO can be a bit frustrating and I am sure that many internet marketers will pass through some hard times switching to these new methods. I’m already doing everything Google wants, but that doesn’t mean that I can pull my hair down and relax. SEO will never be about laziness and relaxation.”

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Five Favorite Social Media Marketing Tools


5 Relatively unknown Social Media Sites to increase social reach:


1. Sprout Social - Social Media Management


Sprout Social is a low-cost tool for social media mangement.

Sprout Social is a low-cost tool for social media mangement.

I have reviewed quite a number of social media management tools during my tenure as a Practical EcommerceI contributing editor, many of which offer highly useful features. Though none of them handle every task equally well, for my own purposes Sprout Social has become the "goto" application.

It's a low-cost tool - subscriptions start at $9.00 per month - that enables me to manage most of the social networks in which I actively participate. Not only that, it serves as a social listening tool, facilitates scheduled content publishing, keeps track of new fans and followers, and provides real-time reporting of my social network engagement activity. There is a mobile version, too, so I am not confined to a desktop or laptop when doing so.

2. Bottlenose - Social Listening

Bottlenose makes sense of social media conversations and trends.

Bottlenose makes sense of social media conversations and trends.
I've always said "listening is the new marketing," and where social media is concerned, truer words were never spoken.

A recent find is Bottlenose, which is a social listening platform that tracks in real-time what's happening around the web on topics of interest to me. In fact, Bottlenose refers to itself as the "Now Engine." Though its interface is reminiscent of Tweetdeck or Hootsuite, Bottlenose was built for the express purpose of making sense of all of the conversations you and I follow, and the trends they relate to.

3. Wordpress - Business Blogging

Of all the blogging software platforms I've ever used - a list that includes Typepad, Blogger, Posterous, Tumblr - I continue to come back to Wordpress. No other platform offers the same degree of rich functionality, extensibility, and design flexibility. And while it's not the easiest platform to use, for long form blogging Wordpress can't be beat!

4. RebelMouse - Content Curation

RebelMouse is a content curation platform.

RebelMouse is a content curation platform.

A prevailing trend in social media is content curation, which is the filtering of content based on topical categories, industries and tags.

A new curation platform, and one that I've really come to favor, is RebelMouse. Its ability to automatically capture, display and organize content from my Facebook and Twitter accounts have made it my "social front page." I can also edit content, highlight particular entries, and even move them around the page with drag-and-drop ease.

Due to its visually-oriented, Pinterest-like interface, it's also a tool that merchant's could easily use to aggregate and filter content from their e-commerce sites.

5. Jing - Screenshots and Screencasts

In addition to my own blogging and social media engagement activities, writing "how-to" articles for Practical Ecommerce often requires that I grab screenshots from sites I review. Of all the tools created for that purpose, no other accomplishes the task as easily as Jing.

Screenshots can be "marked up" with text boxes, arrows, highlights, or captions, and users can automatically store screenshots and screencasts at, a free file storage service.
Those are the five social media marketing tools I can't live without. What's yours? Feel free to comment.

Friday 10 August 2012

Find Business Converter at Stubleupon, Stumbleupon a Top Social Network

Find Business Converter at Stubleupon

Stumbleupon is a great website well worth signing up on, some of the content on stumbleupon and the way it navigates makes this one social network that will stay in the top 10 for the foreseeable future.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Business Converter on Buzzfeed

You will find Business Converter on Buzzfeed at:

Also These Great URL'S

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Dream Marketing Event - IDC Retail Insights (Invitation Only)

An event i would really got an immense amount of, something ill aspire for in the future. 

Retailers throughout Europe are facing the challenges of improving the customer experience, better using new disruptive technologies, and increasing customer loyalty. 

The IDC Retail CIO Summit 2012 is designed to appeal especially to European CIOs from the retail industry. 

By inviting a select group of 40 strategic IT leaders, we will ensure that this thought-provoking event provides productive time away from your office. 


Retail Predictions, Trends & Technologies
Robert Parker, Group VP IDC Retail Insights, IDC
Reinventing Your Company in a Customer-Driven Marketplace
Mike Dover, Technology & Marketing Thought Leader, Co-Author his Wikibrands
Genuine Customer Engagement Through Customer Centric-IT
Sergio Azzolari, COO Retail, Luxottica
How important is mobile, social networking, internet retailing to retailers?
Robert Teagle, Emea IT Director, Starbuck
How to implement multichannel retail strategies - the IKEA way!
Benedetto Conversano, Chief Enterprise Architect, IKEA
Creating a Russian equivalent of
Maelle Gavet, CEO, OZON Holdgins
Customer Experience - Retail Intelligence - Cloud Strategies - E-commerce - Supply Chain
Mobility & Social Networks - Omni Channel - IT Infrastructure


and much more...

Select Group of IT leaders
and Innovators in Retail

Insights into the
of IT in Retail

Exclusive Peer-to-Peer

Discuss Challenges
and Industry Best Practices

Meet with leading
Industry Experts

Engage in Interactive

Full hospitality package for
invited delegates
(travel, hotel, accommodation in the
Dolce and transfers)

Hotel Dolce, Chantilly France
June 14 (12pm) June 15 (2pm)

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Business Converter Website QR Code

The Business Converter QR Code – The fastest way to go straight to the official Business Converter Website

Business Converter on Google Pages

The Business Converter Google Page

The Business Converter Google Pages URL is

Monday 28 May 2012

Business Converter on Blogger

Find Business Converter on Blogger at

Friday 25 May 2012

Business Converter on Wordpress

Find Business Converter on Wordpress at

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Find Business Converter on Linkedin

Find Business Converter on Linkedin at 

Find Business Converter on Pinterest

Find Business Converter on Pinterest at

Friday 18 May 2012

Find Business Converter on Twitter

Find Business Converter on Twitter at

Business Converter will help you convert all the customers you need to help make your small business prosperous without costing the earth

Business Converter on Digg

 Business Converter on Digg at 

Business Converter on Facebook

Business Converter is now on Facebook at

Thursday 17 May 2012

Business Converter on Google Plus

Business Converter is now on Google Plus

Business Converter on Google Plus